As an extra additive to regular plant nutrition. Use B’cuzz Soil Booster Uni for an optimal result in combination with B’cuzz Bloom Stimulator.
Application: Add daily to your nutrient solution from the growth phase onwards. Suitable for many different kinds of vegetables, fruits and herbs like lettuce and gherkins.
As an extra additive to regular plant nutrition. Use B’cuzz Hydro Booster Uni for an optimal result in combination with B’cuzz Bloom Stimulator.
Application: Add daily to your nutrient solution from the growth phase onwards. Suitable for many different kinds of vegetables, fruits and herbs like lettuce and gherkins.
As an extra additive to regular plant nutrition. Use B’cuzz Coco Booster Uni for an optimal result in combination with B’cuzz Coco Bloom Stimulator.
Application: Add daily to your nutrient solution from the growth phase onwards. Suitable for many different kinds of vegetables, fruits and herbs like lettuce and gherkins.
Silicon (Si) is one of the most abundant elements in the soil. However, most of this is unavailable to your plants. This is unfortunate, as Silicon has a reinforcing effect on your plant, making it less susceptible to abiotic stresses like heat or drought. B’cuzz Silic Boost is a stable Silicon product in a plant available form. This makes it an excellent addition to your regular nutrition regime.
Application: Use daily, from the growth-phase onward, by adding it to the nutrient solution up until the bloom-phase. Also usable with irrigation systems or as foliar spray. Suitable for many different kinds of vegetables, fruits and herbs like cucumber and strawberries.
Professional mineral nutrition without bulking aids. Especially developed for the cultivation on hydro. Only to be used in combination with B’cuzz Hydro Nutrition B. Atami recommends the use of additives for optimal results.
Application: The A and B concentrates may only be mixed with each other in combination with water. Suitable for many different kinds of vegetables, fruits and herbs like eggplants. It can also be used for in- and outdoor plants (e.g. Anthurium).
Professional mineral nutrition without bulking aids. Especially developed for the cultivation on hydro. Only to be used in combination with B’cuzz Hydro Nutrition A. Atami recommends the use of additives for optimal results.
Application: The A and B concentrates may only be mixed with each other in combination with water. Suitable for many different kinds of vegetables, fruits and herbs like eggplants. It can also be used for in- and outdoor plants (e.g. Anthurium).
Professional mineral nutrition without waste substances. Especially developed for the cultivation on soil. Only to be used in combination with B'cuzz Soil Nutrition B. Atami recommends the use of additives for optimal results.
Application: The A and B concentrates may only be mixed with each other in combination with water. Suitable for many different kinds of vegetables, fruits and herbs like zucchini . It can also be used for indoor and potted plants (e.g. Larkspur (Delphinium)).
Professional mineral nutrition without waste substances. Especially developed for the cultivation on soil. Only to be used in combination with B'cuzz Soil Nutrition A. Atami recommends the use of additives for optimal results.
Application: The A and B concentrates may only be mixed with each other in combination with water. Suitable for many different kinds of vegetables, fruits and herbs like zucchini . It can also be used for indoor and potted plants (e.g. Larkspur (Delphinium)).
Professional mineral nutrition without bulking aids. Especially developed for the cultivation on coco. Only to be used in combination with B’cuzz Coco Nutrition B. Atami recommends the use of additives for optimal results.
Application: The A and B concentrates may only be mixed with each other in combination with water. Suitable for many different kinds of vegetables, fruits and herbs like tomato’s . It can also be used for indoor and potted plants (e.g. Alocasia).
Professional mineral nutrition without bulking aids. Especially developed for the cultivation on coco. Only to be used in combination with B’cuzz Coco Nutrition A. Atami recommends the use of additives for optimal results.
Application: The A and B concentrates may only be mixed with each other in combination with water. Suitable for many different kinds of vegetables, fruits and herbs like tomato’s . It can also be used for indoor and potted plants (e.g. Alocasia).
As an extra additive to regular plant nutrition. Use B’cuzz Root Stimulator for an optimal result in combination with B’cuzz Nutrition.
Application: Add daily when watering the plant in the first 2 weeks. Thereafter to be replaced by a B'cuzz Booster. Suitable for different kinds of vegetables and fruits like potato’s .It can also be used for flowering ornamental plants (e.g. chrysanthemums).
As an extra additive to regular plant nutrition. Use B’cuzz Bloom Stimulator for an optimal result in combination with B’cuzz Nutrition and B’cuzz Booster.
Application: Add daily to your nutrient solution from the flowering phase onwards. Suitable for different kinds of vegetables and fruits like paprika. It can also be used for flowering ornamental plants (e.g., the Spanish daisy).
As an extra additive to regular plant nutrition. Use B’cuzz Coco Bloom Stimulator for an optimal result in combination with B’cuzz Coco Nutrition and B’cuzz
Coco Booster.
Application: Add daily to your nutrient solution from the flowering phase onwards. Suitable for different kinds of vegetables and fruits like paprika. It can also be used for flowering ornamental plants (e.g., the Spanish daisy).
A finisher that can be used in the last 2 to 4 weeks of flowering and ripening. It improves the structure of the fruit/flower. Blossom Builder Liquid contains a unique P:K ratio. Blossom Builder Liquid can be used on both soil, hydro and cocos and is used in combination with all irrigation systems.
Application: Mix your standard basic nutrition in a tank, then add 0.25 ml to 0.50 ml of Blossom Builder Liquid per litre of nutrient solution. Suitable for different kinds of vegetables and fruits like chili peppers .It can also be used for flowering ornamental plants (e.g. the Summer lilac (Buddleja)).
Professional mineral nutrition without bulking aids. Application: Especially for calcareous soils. Suitable for many different kinds of vegetables, fruits and herbs. It can also be used for in- and outdoor plants (e.g. Geraniums).
Quelle: Wilma
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